The Mathematics Study Program of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) has a long history that began in 1982. From 1986 to 1994, this study program collaborated with the Australian International Development Project (IDP) which focused on development of basic sciences, especially Mathematics. This collaboration involves technical assistance activities in the teaching and learning process and curriculum design in the field of operations research.
This collaboration paved the way for the establishment of a Mathematics Study Program under the Civil Engineering Study Program of the Faculty of Engineering, UNS, which was ratified through Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education Number 206/D2/1989 on 26 January 1989. Furthermore, on 12 July 1995, UNS proposed the establishment FMIPA to the Directorate General of Higher Education, which was approved on October 1 1996, making FMIPA the 9th faculty at UNS. The Mathematics Study Program is one of the first study programs at FMIPA, with the aim of developing basic science to support national development as well as technological progress and human resource development.
The implementation of education in the FMIPA UNS Mathematics Study Program is carried out based on a curriculum prepared with reference to the vision and mission of the study program, as well as taking into account the needs of the world of education and society. The UNS Educational Development Institute (LPP) and Educational Quality Assurance and Development Institute (LPPMP) play an important role in curriculum development and education quality evaluation. This study program is also active in holding curriculum training, skills improvement programs, and workshops to enrich the teaching and learning process.
As proof of its commitment to quality education, the FMIPA UNS Mathematics Study Program succeeded in achieving ASIIN international accreditation in 2024 with the title of Full Accreditation for the five year period (2024–2029). Apart from that, this study program also received national accreditation from LAMSAMA with a Superior rating. In 2023, the Master of Mathematics Study Program will officially be opened to support research and development of higher knowledge.
The FMIPA UNS Mathematics Study Program has 19 competent lecturers, consisting of 3 Professors, 3 Associate Professor, 4 Lectors, 9 Expert Assistants, and has 1,532 alumni spread across various state and private institutions. Currently, there are 364 active students taking part in this program. The Mathematics Study Program manages two levels of education: Bachelor’s Program and Master’s Program, each with commissions that support the continuity of education and management of academic and non-academic activities.
Research and community service in the Mathematics Study Program is focused on three main research groups: Mathematical Modeling, Data Science, and Scientific Machine Learning; Combinatorics Mathematics; and Pure Mathematics and Applications. This division of research focus aims to strengthen collaboration between researchers and encourage academic contributions at national and international levels.
In 2024, the FMIPA UNS Mathematics Study Program will show significant achievements even though it continues to face challenges in several indicators. Overall, the 2024 performance milestone represents significant progress, with optimism for further development in the future. This study program continues to be committed to becoming a center of excellence in the development of mathematics that supports technological progress and national development, and is ready to compete at the international level.