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The Mathematics Bachelor Program at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Sebelas Maret (FMIPA UNS) was the embryo of FMIPA UNS, which started in 1982. In 1986 – 1994 a collaboration was held between UNS and the International Development Project (IDP) Australia in the development of basic sciences, especially Mathematics. Forms of cooperation include technical assistance activities for the teaching and learning process as well as material and curriculum design for the field of operations research. This collaboration ultimately bridged the establishment of the Mathematics Bachelor Program at the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, UNS based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education Number 206/D2/1989 dated January 26th, 1989.
On July 12th, 1995, it was proposed to the Director General of Higher Education the establishment of FMIPA UNS. The Minister of Education and Culture issued a Decree on the establishment of FMIPA UNS which is the 9th faculty with several study programs, namely the Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology Studies Program through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia dated October 1st, 1996 Number: 0297/0/1996. The factor that prompted the opening of the UNS FMIPA Mathematics Study Program was to increase the implementation of national development and also to develop knowledge, especially in basic sciences, which support the development of technology and potential human resources.
Since its establishment until now, the Mathematics Study Program has changed leadership for ten periods, with various existing Organizational Structures and Work Procedure (SOT) mechanisms. The following are ten periods of study program leadership, both those still under the Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, and those already under FMIPA:
1st Head of Bachelor Program (1989 – 1992)
2nd Head of Bachelor Program (1992 – 1995)
Drs. Muslich (Head)
Dra. Mania Roswitha (Secretary)
Drs. Muslich (Head)
Dra. Mania Roswitha (Secretary)
3rd Head of Bachelor Program (1995 – 1997)
4th Head of Bachelor Program (1997 – 2000)
Soetomo DW, M.Sc (Head)
Dra. Mania Roswitha (Secretary)
Drs. Pangadi, M.Si (Head)
Dra. Hasih P. M.Si. (Secretary)
5th Head of Bachelor Program (2000 – 2003)
6th Head of Bachelor Program (2003 – 2008)
Drs. Pangadi, M.Si (Head)
Drs. Siswanto, M,Si. (Secretary)
Drs. Kartiko, M.Si (Head)
Drs. Siswanto, M,Si. (Secretary)
7th Head of Bachelor Program (2008 – 2011)
8th Head of Bachelor Program (2011 – 2013)
Drs. Sutrima, M.Si (Head)
Dra. Respatiwulan, M.Si (Secretary)
Irwan Susanto, S.Si., DEA (Head)
Dra. Sulistijowati, M.Si (Secretary)
9th Head of Bachelor Program (2013 – 2015)
10th Head of Bachelor Program (2015 – 2019)
Supriyadi Wibowo, S.Si., M.Si. (Head)
Titin Sri Martini, S.Si., M.Kom. (Secretary)
Supriyadi Wibowo, S.Si., M.Si. (Head)
Titin Sri Martini, S.Si., M.Kom. (Head of Math. Laboratory)
11st Head of Bachelor Program (2019 – 2023)
12nd Head of Bachelor Program (2023 – 2024)
Dr. Drs. Siswanto, M.Si. (Head)
Dr. Putranto Hadi Utomo, S.Si., M.Si. (Head of Math. Laboratory)
Dr. Drs. Siswanto, M.Si. (Plt. Head)
Nughthoh Arfawi Kurdhi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Head of Math. Laboratory)
13rd Head of Bachelor Program (2024 – 2029)
Prof. Dr. Drs. Siswanto, M.Si. (Head)
Dr. Supriyadi Wibowo, S.Si., M.Si.. (Head of Math. Laboratory)
▸Tokoh Pendiri Prodi Matematika
▸Tempat Tanggal Lahir: N/A
▸Tanggal Purna Tugas: Tahun 1996
▸Guru Besar Pertama Fakultas MIPA
▸Tempat Tanggal Lahir: Yogyakarta, 1936
▸Tanggal Purna Tugas: 1 November 2006
▸Tokoh Pendiri Fakultas MIPA
▸Tempat Tanggal Lahir: N/A
▸Tanggal Purna Tugas: Tahun 1999
▸Tokoh Pendiri Fakultas MIPA/
Dekan Pertama Fakultas MIPA 1997-1998
▸Tempat Tanggal Lahir: N/A
(NIP. 130 324 019)
▸Tanggal Purna Tugas: Tahun 2004
▸Tempat Tanggal Lahir:
Yogyakarta, 12 Desember 1969
(NIP. 19691212 199403 2 006)
▸Tanggal Purna Tugas: Mutasi Institusi
▸Tokoh Pendiri Fakultas MIPA
▸Tempat Tanggal Lahir:
xxxx, 25 Februari 1973
(NIP. 19730225 199903 2 001)
▸Tanggal Purna Tugas:
(Meninggal Dunia Tahun 2012)
▸Kepala Prodi Matematika 2003-2008
▸Tempat Tanggal Lahir:
Banyumas, 15 Juli 1950
(NIP. 19500715 198601 1 001)
▸Tanggal Purna Tugas:
1 Agustus 2015
▸Sekretris Prodi Matematika 1989-1997
▸Tempat Tanggal Lahir:
Salatiga, 28 Juni 1952
(NIP. 19520628 198303 2 001)
▸Tanggal Purna Tugas: 1 Juli 2017
▸Kepala Prodi Matematika 1989-1995
Dekan Fakultas MIPA 1998-2002
▸Tempat Tanggal Lahir:
Magelang, 18 November 1952
(NIP. 19521118 197903 1 001)
▸Tanggal Purna Tugas:
1 Desember 2017
▸Kepala Prodi Matematika 1997-2003
Wakil Dekan II Fakultas MIPA 2003-2008,
▸Tempat Tanggal Lahir:
Sragen, 12 Oktober 1957
(NIP. 19571012 199103 1 001)
▸Tanggal Purna Tugas: 1 November 2022
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